The gear.dat file defines your landing gear, and other points on the aircraft that should collide with the ground.
Gear parts
The file is built up of several gear parts. A typical gear part is defined like this:
gear_part { name = Nose Wheel pos = [ 2.2 0.0 1.05 ] c_comp = 17355 c_damp = 3500 max_comp = 0.2 r_static = 0.9 r_kinetic = 0.08 r_brake = 0.0 steerable = true steer_angle = 45.0 }
Here are all the parameters you can set:
name = <name>
pos = [ <x> <y> <z> ]
The position of the wheel hub or hardpoint. Remember: x forwards, y to the right, z down.
c_comp = <float>
The spring coefficient of the part
c_damp = <float>
The damping coefficient of the part
max_comp = <float>
The maximum travel of the gear part. Don't set this too small.
r_static = <float>
The static friction coefficient (when we stand still)
r_kinetic = <float>
The dynamic friction coefficient (when we are sliding)
r_brake = <float> (optional)
The friction with the wheelbrakes full on
load_limit = <float> (optional)
The max force this gear part can take before it breaks off [in Newtons]
critical = <bool> (optional)
If this is set to true then this is a "critical" part. This means that if this part breaks then the whole aircraft is broken too.
gfx_node = <name> (optional)
If you have defined animations on the graphics model, you should use the animation node name here to enable the wheels to spin and suspensions to move.
steerable = <bool> (optional) steer_angle = <angle in degrees> (optional)
Set this if the wheel should be steerable. It will be linked with the rudder controller. If it works the wrong way try a negative steering angle.
radius = <float>
The radius of the landing gear wheel (optional, don't set it if this is a hardpoint)
drivable = <float>
This is a simple hack that links the throttle to a driving force on the wheel. It is meant for debugging purposes and has no value in an aircraft model (but you could make a car..)
retractable = <bool>
If the landing gear is retractable you should define this here.
Other options
There is one parameter you can set apart from the gear parts:
impact_limit = <float>
This will define the max load the aircraft can take before it's declared a wreck.