Remote Control
Note: This feature is implemented in Silent Wings 1.08. It will not work with earlier versions
Silent Wings contains a built-in server which can be used to control most functions of the simulator. This can be used from external applications to interface certain types of hardware, custom autopilot applications and probably a lot of other interesting uses.
To enable the Remote Control server, add the following lines to options.dat
use_remote_control = true remote_control_port = 6070 remote_control_mode = UDP
The last variable can be either UDP or TCP.
To test it, set mode to TCP and telnet to the correct port on the computer running Silent Wings, for example:
telnet localhost 6070
You can now enter commands directly in the telnet window, for example:
This will close the help window, unpause and put the aircraft in a 30 degrees bank at 100km/h using the autopilot. Finally, it will change view to flyby-mode.
To test with UDP, you need to use the command:
nc -u localhost 6070
The Netcat (nc) command is also available on Windows, although some virus checkers regard it as a "hacker tool". Do a google search.
The following commands are recognized by the server
AIL <value> - Ailerons, [ -1.0 -1.0 ] ELE <value> - Elevator, [ -1.0 -1.0 ] ABK <value> - Airbrakes, [ 0.0 - 1.0 ] FLP <value> - Flaps, [ 0.0 - 1.0 ] RUD <value> - Rudder, [ -1.0 - 1.0 ] TRM <value> - Elevator trim, [ -1.0 - 1.0 ] GEAR <value> - Gear [0,1] WTR <value> - Water valves (int) THR <value> - Throttle, [ 0.0 - 1.0 ] PIT <value> - Propeller pitch, [ 0.0 - 1.0 ] WBK <value> - Wheel brakes, [ 0.0 - 1.0 ] PBK <value> - Parking brakes [ 0, 1 ] PRBK <value> - Propeller brake [ 0.0 - 1.0 ] IGN <value> - Ignition, [0,1] MIX <value> - Mixture, [ 0.0 - 1.0 ] MAG <value> - Magnetos, [1,2,3] FUV <value> - Fuel valve FUT <value> - Fuel tanks FUP <value> - Fuel pump, [0.1] ENST <value> - Engine start [ 0, 1 ] DCMP <value> - Engine decompression [ 0, 1 ] PRM <value> - Fuel primer, [ 0, 1 ] CHT <value> - Carburetor heat, [0.0 - 1.0] CWFP <value> - Cowling flap [0.0 - 1.0] EEXT <value> - Engine boom extend, [ 0, 1 ] ERET <value> - Engine boom retract, [ 0, 1 ] TBO <value> - Engine turbo, [ 0.0 - 1.0 ] PANH <value> - Camera pan horizontal (degrees) PANV <value> - Camera pan vertical (degrees) ZOOM <value> - Zoom +/- APHDG <enable> <target> - Auto pilot, heading hold. Enable/disable with 1/0, target in degrees. APSPD <enable> <target> - Auto pilot, speed hold. Enable/disable with 1/0, target in km/h. APROL <enable> <target> - Auto pilot, auto bank. Enable/disable with 1/0, target in degrees. APRUD <enable> - Auto pilot, auto rudder enable/disable, [0, 1] (Coordinated flight). APSPDC <enable> - Auto pilot, speed command enable/disable, [0, 1]. HUD <enable> - Enable/disable HUD, [ 0, 1 ]. JOY <enable> - Enable/disable Joystick control, [0,1]. VIEW <mode> - Set view mode: 0 = Cockpit, 1 = Spot, 2 = Fixed, 3 = Flyby, 4 = Free flight, 5 = Chase, 6 = Overview SRT <val> - Simulation rate: < 0.0 - 64.0 ] QUIT - Quit simulation RST - Restart simulation PAUSE <enable> - Enable/disable pause CPT <enable> - Enable/disable cockpit graphics, [0,1] TRK <enable> - Enable/disable track ribbons, [0.1] LAB <enable> - Enable/disable labels, [0,1] PIC - Grab screenshot TSK <enable> - Enable/disable task graphics, [0,1] THM <enable> - Enable/disable thermal visuals, [0,1] VEC <enable> - Enable/disable force vectors, [0,1] CHAT <message> - Send chat message MAP - Switch to map screen FLT - Switch to flight screen HELP <enable> - Enable/disable help window, [0,1]