Scenery:Texmapper.cfg File
This is the main configuration file for the texture map generator. It is very similar to the terrain config file and some of the parameters are the same.
#---------------- # Common section #---------------- tile_size_n = 3648 tile_size_e = 3648 start_n = 45.0974 start_e = 7.26291 ref_lat = 50 num_tiles_n = 32 num_tiles_e = 32 #------------------------ # Texture mapper section #------------------------ # Texture resolution (tile_size/tex_size = Approx 3.5m/pixel) tex_size = 1024 # Image format (DXT1/gzip compressed) out_pixel_fmt = DXT1 out_file_ext = .dds.gz # Work cache sizes (in Mb) shd_cache_sz = 200 img_cache_sz = 200 #------- # Flags #------- # Generate mipmaps yes/no (recommended) mipmaps = true # Generate shadows (Only if you have elevation data) shadows = false # Always overwrite existing files in the output directory overwrite = true #--------------- # Input section #--------------- #Input images image_dir { path = /data/geodata/images/aerial/ recursive = true ext = .tif pri = 2 coosys = +proj=utm +zone=30 +datum=WGS84 } image_dir { path = /data/geodata/images/lores/ recursive = true ext = .tif pri = 1 } # Elevation data for shading dem_dir { path = /data/geodata/srtm ext = .tif pri = 1 } dem_dir { path = /data/geodata/srtm30 ext = .DEM.gz pri = 0 }
Common section
This is where we define the area of the world covered by this scenery block. You need to either specify the number of tiles, a tile size and a start point, or alternatively the start/end points of the area. In this example we have chosen tile size and start point.
The tile size is given in meters in north- and east direction.
tile_size_n = 3648 tile_size_e = 3648
Now, since the tiles are parallell with the longitude lines, the width varies over the tile. This means that the tile_size_e parameter is only correct at the given reference latiude, ref_lat.
ref_lat = 50
In this case, the tile width is correct at 50 degrees latitude. Further north, the tile will be narrower, further south the tile will be wider.
The tile start location (south east corner) is given by:
start_n = 45.0974 start_e = 7.26291
And the number of tiles:
num_tiles_n = 32 num_tiles_e = 32
The number of tiles should always be the same in north- and east-direction, and it should always be a power of 2, i.e 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc.
For performance, we recommend keeping the tile size around 4km.
Texture mapper section
This section contains parameters relevant to the generation of the image files. The most important parameter is the texture size
tex_size = 1024
This size must be a power of 2, and a size that is usable on most graphics cards, i.e not higher than 2048. The texture resolution will be tile_size/tex_size, so in our example it will be approximately 3.5m/pixel.
You can also control some memory cache parameters here:
shd_cache_sz = 200 img_cache_sz = 200
These are given in megabytes and controls how much imagery you can hold in memory at a time when producing the textures. Set this as high as you can to avoid having to reload imagery all the time. The shd_cache_sz controls the amount of elevation data kept in memory for shading, and img_cache_sz is the amount of imagery for the actual texture maps.