Scenery:Texmapper.cfg File

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This is the main configuration file for the texture map generator. It is very similar to the terrain config file and some of the parameters are the same.

# Common section
tile_size_n = 3648
tile_size_e = 3648
start_n = 45.0974
start_e = 7.26291
ref_lat = 50
num_tiles_n = 32
num_tiles_e = 32

# Texture mapper section

# Texture resolution (tile_size/tex_size = Approx 3.5m/pixel)
tex_size = 1024

# Image format (DXT1/gzip compressed)
out_pixel_fmt = DXT1
out_file_ext = .dds.gz

# Work cache sizes (in Mb)
shd_cache_sz = 200
img_cache_sz = 200

# Flags
# Generate mipmaps yes/no (recommended)
mipmaps = true

# Generate shadows (Only if you have elevation data)
shadows = false

# Always overwrite existing files in the output directory
overwrite = true

# Input section
#Input images
image_dir {
  path = /data/geodata/images/aerial/
  recursive = true
  ext  = .tif
  pri  = 2
  coosys = +proj=utm +zone=30 +datum=WGS84

image_dir {
  path = /data/geodata/images/lores/
  recursive = true
  ext  = .tif
  pri  = 1

# Elevation data for shading

dem_dir {
  path   = /data/geodata/srtm
  ext    = .tif
  pri    = 1

dem_dir {
  path   = /data/geodata/srtm30
  ext    = .DEM.gz
  pri    = 0

Common section

This is where we define the area of the world covered by this scenery block. You need to either specify the number of tiles, a tile size and a start point, or alternatively the start/end points of the area. In this example we have chosen tile size and start point.

The tile size is given in meters in north- and east direction.

tile_size_n = 3648
tile_size_e = 3648

Now, since the tiles are parallell with the longitude lines, the width varies over the tile. This means that the tile_size_e parameter is only correct at the given reference latiude, ref_lat.

ref_lat = 50

In this case, the tile width is correct at 50 degrees latitude. Further north, the tile will be narrower, further south the tile will be wider.