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The purpose of controls.dat is to define the sensitiviy of the controls, and a few other parameters.

Here is an example file taken from the Antares model:

# Control sensitivities
ailerons_step      = 0.1
elevator_step      = 0.1
elevator_trim_step = 0.01
rudder_step        = 0.1
flaps_step         = 0.2
airbrakes_step     = 0.2
wheelbrakes_step   = 0.5
throttle_step      = 0.05

This has an effect on the movement when using keyboard controls. It does not affect joystick/rudder controls.

# Here the Antares flap positions and corresponding flap deflections
#                     -3   -2  -1  0    +1   +2/L
flaps_deflections = [ -3.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 18.0 ]

If you model a flapped glider, you can set the steps on the flap controller here so that they correspond with the correct flap deflections (in degrees).

# Other control settings
wheelbrakes_on_airbrakes = true

If the glider has wheelbrake control on the end of the spoiler/airbrake handle travel, set this parameter. Othervise it can be deleted or set to false.